How Crafty is Tea: Part Four

How Crafty is Tea: Part Four

Intern Talia loved getting to hear everyone’s stories about their tea creations, but this week it was her turn to try it for herself! She’s excited to say she tried making a green tea and a black tea so she could have the firsthand knowledge of the process of making both kinds. Instead of expanding on what crafting tea meant to her emotionally and personally, she wants to share the practical knowledge she gained from making the tea. She hopes it helps you understand a bit more in detail about what goes into the process.

Tea Around the World

Tea Around the World

As we can see from the elements of terroir, tea relies heavily on where it’s grown. All tea comes from the same plant, Camellia Sinensis, which has many varieties. The major tea-growing regions include China, India, Japan, Sri Lanka, and Taiwan. Each of these have various micro-climates and soil differences, creating a spectrum of tea flavor. However, certain regions are well known for producing specific types of tea.

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