As many of you may know, super typhoon Haiyan recently devastated the Philippines. It was a category 5 super typhoon, with winds of up to 195 mph and storm surges nearly 13 feet. Needless to say this has become a major disaster that’s being compared to the 2004 tsunami.
Relief operations are currently difficult because of the vast destruction to important infrastructure. Roads, bridges, airports have been swept away or torn apart. Despite this, many agencies and governments are putting in extra effort to help the thousands, if not millions of victims. You can help too.
Below is a list of agencies & efforts that you can help out in some way. Please consider if you can. These have all been found through new site articles such as this one at NBC News.
- The American Red Cross
- The World Food Program
- The International Rescue Committee
- Save the Children
- Catholic Relief Services
- World Vision
- Habitat for Humanity
- The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee
- Operation USA
- Mercy Corps
- Google has set up a Person Finder for survivors

Super Typhoon Haiyan (NASA/AP)